Wednesday 29 October 2014

Play script

Make sure you lay out your play script correctly with:
Cast list
Scene number
Stage directions in brackets e.g. (Jack and Jill are walking along lane holding empty pails or buckets)
Character names at the beginning of each line with a colon: and a tab space

Jack and Jill

Cast list:

Jill: Oh shh, I need to get you back home, are you okay to walk?

Jack: Ummmmmm, I don't know

Jill: I'm going to run back home to get Mum

Jack: Okay, Hurry

(Jill sprints home leaving jack on the hill)

Jill: MUUUM!!!!! Jacks fallen down the hill and scraped his head and is lying on the hill. Call the doctors now!

Mum: Is he okay, What happened, Where is he, How did..

Jill: No questions, i'll explain it all later but for now just hurry up and call the doctor

(Mum calls the doctor and Jill sprints back to jack)

Jack: Finally your here! What took you so long?

Jill: Sorry, the doctors are coming now. Are you okay?

Jack: Not really, My head feels like it's been in an earthquake

Jill: The doctors will be here soon, just hang in there buddie.

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