Thursday, 3 July 2014

End of term review

For term 2 we mostly played dodgeball in the gym. Partly this reason is because it has been really raining & we would not be aloud on the field for our sports rotations. I liked going on the rock wall with Megan, Renee, Aysha, Zahra, Hannah & I because dodgeball was getting really boring. I completed all the walls apart from the last 3!!! Hopefully I will get a chance to go on the rock wall next term and complete the last 3 walls. 

Cross country
Fight fight fight!!! We had just finished the Rimu chant, before the year 7 girls started to get warmed up for the cross country. Nerves filled my body and I had a billion thoughts running through my mind. "what if I fall over at the start""what if I come last". Time had passed and it was the year 8 girls marshalled to the starting line. I tried to sprint the first part but there was no point it was too muddy & I did not want to slip over especially in front of everyone! Great I was stuck in the middle of the pack, I gradually made my way through the flocks of people and came 12th. I felt dead at the finish line, my face was flushed & I felt like I was going to throw up, but 12th out of 300, I'm happy & glad it's over. 

19th of July, disco night. After school I had to wait for Renee's cheerleading to finish after school as me and zahra were getting ready at her house. We went down to BK first to get a frozen coke, YUM!!! when her cheer training finished we walked home to hers and started to get really after we had some food. Renee's mum had already made us loads of toast cheese sandwiches. We were ready to go, when we walked into the hall were the disco has held it was awesome!! There were lights everywhere and cool animations on the big wall saying some of the house. I had a great night with all my friends, can't wait til' the term 3 disco!! 

Highlights\ Lowlights 
I have had heaps of good times this term but also some bad, here are some of my high lights: 
Made the Rimu indoor soccer team and captain! :), Made the aims soccer team, Got stage 8 in IKAN (only person in the class), Won the tournament for division 1 for 8A netball, Came 12th in cross country, came 3rd in the school table tennis champs, got asked to join multi sport (didn't want to though. Some of my low lights: Didn't make aims netball team, Soccer tournament lead up for aims was cancelled, Injured my shoulder so it has been hard to play netball, could of came better in cross country and table tennis just has an off day :(. 

For reading this term we have been watching Europa Report, it is a movie based in the future about discovering there is life on another planet. It has been really cool watching this movie, it has made me want to know how gravity feels like. Miss C has been teaching us to write more complex answers for the questions and elaborate more, also add more examples. I feel I have improved a lot this term in reading. 

1 comment:

  1. Your topics are really good and your layout is really tidy. You only have a couple typos but they are easy to fix up. I really like what you've written under each heading, you have achieved so much this term! Your blog post is the correct length and overall I really liked your blog post!

